“Videotape” by Radiohead

Can’t say I understand the rhythm of this song, even after watching the video. Too complicated for my feeble brain, but mesmerizing nonetheless.

A stunning work, “Videotape” instantly became a favorite Radiohead song when it was released on In Rainbows in 2007. Supremely melancholy even compared to other Radiohead songs, it’s a fitting closing track to In Rainbows, an album that was both a return to form for the band, and their last great complete work.

What originally struck me about this track was it’s deceivingly simple piano part, and gradual build-up of the drum pattern. However, the video below provides a new appreciation of the complexity of the rhythm. As a listener, you hear the song and think, “Hmm, there’s something cool and different going on there, but I can’t put my finger on it.” The video goes in depth on the rhythm, and is particularly interesting as it shows Yorke struggling with the rhythm during a live version.

The somber music pairs perfectly with the lyrics, as Thom Yorke sings, “When I’m at the pearly gates, this will be on my videotape…”

This is my way of saying goodbye,
Because I can’t do it face to face
I’m talking to you after it’s too late
No matter what happens now
You shouldn’t be afraid
Because I know today has been the most perfect day I’ve ever seen

Jeff Englund Written by: